Jan 22, 2009

The Broken Hearted Bilal radiallaho ta'ala anhu

The Broken Hearted Bilal radiallaho ta'ala anhu
Hazrat Bilal Habshi radiallaho ta'ala anhu was the Mo'azzin (person calling the Azaan) of Rasool Allah sallalaho alaihe wasallam. After Syria was conquered he went to Hazrat Umar radiallaho ta'ala anhu and said, "If you give permission, I want to leave Madinah and go to Jerusalem and lead a quiet life. Because the beloved whose blessed face was the cure for my aching heart is resting and has hidden his glowing face from us.
This has resulted in great restlessness and anxiety for me. A true lover can not bear to be away from his beloved. Whenever I look at any part of Masjid E Nabvi, the Mihraab or Mimbar, my heart cries out for my beloved. How can I explain to my broken heart? How can I comfort my dejected heart and soul? How can I satisfy my aching heart?"
Sometimes the path of true love means you have to be apart. But that is only when you have reached the pinnacle of love like Hazrat Bilal radiallaho ta'ala anhu.
The broken hearted Bilal radiallaho ta'ala anhu was given permission by Hazrat Umar radiallaho ta'ala anhu to go to Syria. Who can know the love of Bilal better than Ameer Ul Mo'mineen? Only one broken hearted person can know the pain being felt by another with a broken heart, and this was the case with Ameer Ul Mo'mineen Hazrat Umar radiallaho ta'ala anhu. The love of Rasool Allah sallalaho alaihe wasallam has intoxicated the heart to such an extent that when he heard that Rasool Allah sallalaho alaihe wasallam had left this world, he drew his sword and said, "If anyone says that Rasool Allah sallalaho alaihe wasallam is dead, I will take his head off." Can you imagine the obsession and sincere love?
What causes this level of emotion and passion? The companions were those who had witnessed Hazrat Jibrael alaihis salaam bringing the verses of the Qur'an and for whose reformation and improvement the leader of the Angels would bring verses. None of these walking examples of the Qur'an grabbed Hazrat Umar radiallaho ta'ala anhu by the hand to stop him. None of them tried to stand in his path. The shock of the departure of Rasool Allah sallalaho alaihe wasallam shook and scattered the harmony of the mind and brain. However, this same Prophet of Mercy sallalaho alaihe wasallam had also trained him and moulded him into what he was today. It was the height of devotion and love that shook the walls of wisdom and sanity for a few moments. It was also love and devotion that covered itself with a quiet blanket later on.
That Umar radiallaho ta'ala anhu, who could not control himself due to grief at the departure of Rasool Allah sallalaho alaihe wasallam, is the same Hazrat Umar radiallaho ta'ala anhu that also controlled the whole ummah. He took on the extraordinary responsibility of being a deputy of a Prophet and guiding and helping the nation and the religion towards greatness.
Hazrat Umar radiallaho ta'ala anhu knew exactly what Hazrat Bilal radiallaho ta'ala anhu was going through and knew the state of his heart. He gave permission and Hazrat Bilal radiallaho ta'ala anhu left for Syria. But the heart never left Madinah. His remembrance and his thoughts were always lost in Rasool Allah (sallalaho alaihe wasallam) and always yearning for him.
My Heart Is Attached To Your Memories In Such A WayNow There Is No Chance Of Me Being Alone Ever.
Seeing the state of Hazrat Bilal radiallaho ta'ala anhu night and day, those with sincerity and love decided to do something to ease his mind and soothe his pain. Therefore they arranged for him to be married, and his Nikah was performed in due course. But, how could Hazrat Bilal deny and forget the bright glow and the showers of mercy in the city of Rasool Allah sallalaho alaihe wasallam?
One night he was asleep and Rasool Allah sallalaho alaihe wasallam came to him in his dream. The Mercy to the Worlds sallalaho alaihe wasallam asked him, "O Bilal, will you not come to visit me anymore?" Allah! Allah! Who knows what affect these words had on this devotee but Hazrat Bilal radiallaho ta'ala anhu immediately got up and his heart and soul were singing with joy and happiness.
How could Hazrat Bilal radiallaho ta'ala anhu rest now? Immediately he got up and set of for the blessed city of Rasool Allah sallalaho alaihe wasallam. When he entered Madinah he saw that it was the same streets of mercy and light. The same calm wind of pleasure and happiness. But the centre and the reason for this amazing environment was nowhere to be seen. He hurried to the resting-place of Rasool Allah sallalaho alaihe wasallam with a fast beating heart, wounded passion, tears in his eyes and presented his salutations (salaam). He embraced the blessed resting-place of Rasool Allah sallalaho alaihe wasallam and cried and cried. The heart and soul of Rasool Allah sallalaho alaihe wasallam, his grandsons, Hazrat Imam Hasan and Hazrat Imam Hussein radiallaho ta'ala anhuma saw this slave of their grandfather and were reminded about the time when he was amongst them.
Hazrat Bilal radiallaho ta'ala anhu used to play with them when they were young boys, he would carry them on his shoulders, and would hold their fingers and walk with them. They both ran forward and embraced Hazrat Bilal radiallaho ta'ala anhu, and said, "O beloved Mo'azzin of the Prophet sallalaho alaihe wasallam! Will we never hear the Azaan that we used to hear when our grandfather was amongst us? It is time for Namaz, please give Azaan today."
Hazrat Bilal was now in a predicament. He could not refuse an order from the leaders of the youth of Paradise, but for giving Azaan, Bilal radiallaho ta'ala anhu needed the beauty and elegance of Rasool Allah sallalaho alaihe wasallam in front of him. Hazrat Bilal radiallaho ta'ala anhu stood to give Azaan, and as soon as the first words of the Azaan were carried into the streets of Madinah, hearts trembled. It was like a spear through the hearts of people. The voice of Hazrat Bilal radiallaho ta'ala anhu immediately bought to life the era of Rasool Allah sallalaho alaihe wasallam. Allah o Akbar! Everyone remembered that glorious time when Rasool Allah sallalaho alaihe wasallam was amongst them. Everyone that heard the Azaan of Hazrat Bilal radiallaho ta'ala anhu, dropped what they were doing and ran to the mosque. The era of Rasool Allah sallalaho alaihe wasallam had returned.
The Azaan of Hazrat Bilal radiallaho ta'ala anhu ignited the embers of love of Rasool Allah sallalaho alaihe wasallam that had been restrained and subdued. The flames of love roared to life, there was a deafening noise and chaos in the streets of Madinah, people stopped working in the fields, veiled ladies lost their senses and ran out into the streets of Madinah out of love for Rasool Allah sallalaho alaihe wasallam. Allah! Allah!
When Hazrat Bilal radiallaho ta'ala anhu said "Ash-hado Al-Laa Ilaha Illal-Laah" his voice trembled, because when he used to give Azaan before, when he would say "Ash-hado Anna Muhammadur Rasool Allah", he would point his forefinger at Muhammad Rasool Allah sallalaho alaihe wasallam. Today when this Aashiq E Rasool sallalaho alaihe wasallam said those words and opened his eyes, he did not find his beloved in front of him, his voice stopped and Hazrat Bilal was unable to complete the Azaan. He lost his senses, fainted and fell to the floor. Allah O Akbar!
Why did Hazrat Bilal radiallaho ta'ala anhu leave Syria and go back to Madinah? The only reason Hazrat Bilal radiallaho ta'ala anhu made this journey was to visit Rasool Allah sallalaho alaihe wasallam. Subhan Allah.

Jan 21, 2009

Why I shed BIKINI for NIQAB

I AM an American woman who was born in the midst of America's "Heartland." I grew up, just like any other girl, being fixated with the glamour of life in "the big city." Eventually, I moved to Florida and on to South Beach of Miami, a hotspot for those seeking the "glamorous life." Naturally, I did what most average Western girls do. I focused on my appearance and appeal, basing my self-worth on how much attention I got from others. I worked out religiously and became a personal trainer, acquired an upscale waterfront residence, became a regular "exhibiting" beach-goer and was able to attain a "living-in-style" kind of life.Years went by, only to realize that my scale of self-fulfillment and happiness slid down the more I progressed in my "feminine appeal." I was a slave to fashion. I was a hostage to my looks.As the gap continued to progressively widen between my self-fulfillment and lifestyle, I sought refuge in escapes from alcohol and parties to meditation, activism, and alternative religions, only to have the little gap widen to what seemed like a valley. I eventually realized it all was merely a pain killer rather than an effective remedy.By now it was Sept. 11, 2001. As I witnessed the ensuing barrage on Islam, Islamic values and culture, and the infamous declaration of the "new crusade," I started to notice something called Islam. Up until that point, all I had associated with Islam was women covered in "tents," wife beaters, harems, and a world of terrorism. As a feminist libertarian, and an activist, I was pursuing a better world for all.One day I came across a book that is negatively stereotyped in the West - The Noble Qur'an. I was first attracted by the style and approach of the Qur'an, and then intrigued by its outlook on existence, life, creation, and the relationship between Creator and creation. I found the Qur'an to be a very insightful address to heart and soul without the need for an interpreter or pastor.Eventually I hit a moment of truth: my new-found self-fulfilling activism was nothing more than merely embracing a faith called Islam where I could live in peace as a "functional" Muslim.I bought a beautiful long gown and head cover resembling the Muslim woman's dress code and I walked down the same streets and neighborhoods where only days earlier I had walked in my shorts, bikini, or "elegant" Western business attire.Although the people, the faces, and the shops were all the same, one thing was remarkably distinct - I was not - nor was the peace at being a woman I experienced for the very first time. I felt as if the chains had been broken and I was finally free. I was delighted with the new looks of wonder on people's faces in place of the looks of a hunter watching his prey I had once sought. Suddenly a weight had been lifted off my shoulders. Finally, I was free.Of all places, I found my Islam at the heart of what some call "the most scandalous place on earth," which makes it all the more dear and special.While content with Hijab I became curious about Niqab, seeing an increasing number of Muslim women in it. I asked my Muslim husband, whom I married after I reverted to Islam, whether I should wear Niqab or just settle for the Hijab I was already wearing. My husband simply advised me that he believes Hijab is mandatory in Islam while Niqab is not. At the time, my Hijab consisted of head scarf that covered all my hair except for my face, and a loose long black gown called "Abaya" that covered all my body from neck to toe.A year-and-a-half passed, and I told my husband I wanted to wear Niqab. My reason, this time, was that I felt it would be more pleasing to Allah, the Creator, increasing my feeling of peace at being more modest.He supported my decision and took me to buy an "Isdaal," a loose black gown that covers from head to toe, and Niqab, which covers all my head and face except for my eyes. Soon enough, news started breaking about politicians, Vatican clergymen, libertarians, and so-called human rights and freedom activists condemning Hijab at times, and Niqab at others as being oppressive to women, an obstacle to social integration, and more recently, as an Egyptian official called it - "a sign of backwardness. "I find it to be a blatant hypocrisy when Western governments and so-called human rights groups rush to defend woman's rights when some governments impose a certain dress code on women, yet such "freedom fighters" look the other way when women are being deprived of their rights, work, and education just because they choose to exercise their right to wear Niqab or Hijab.Today I am still a feminist, but a Muslim feminist, who calls on Muslim women to assume their responsibilities in providing all the support they can for their husbands to be good Muslims. To raise their children as upright Muslims so they may be beacons of light for all humanity once again. To enjoin good - any good - and to forbid evil - any evil. To speak righteousness and to speak up against all ills. To fight for our right to wear Niqab or Hijab and to please our Creator whichever way we chose. But just as importantly to carry our experience with Niqab or Hijab to fellow women who may never have had such a chance.Most of the women I know wearing Niqab are Western reverts, some of whom are not even married. Others wear Niqab without full support of either family or surroundings. What we all have in common is that it is the personal choice of each and every one of us, which none of us is willing to surrender.Willingly or unwillingly, women are bombarded with styles of "dressing-in- little-to- nothing" virtually in every means of communication everywhere in the world.As an ex non-Muslim, I insist on women's right to equally know about Hijab, its virtues, and the peace and happiness it brings to a woman's life as it did to mine. Yesterday, the bikini was the symbol of my liberty, when in actuality it only liberated me from my spirituality and true value as a respectable human being.Today, Niqab is the new symbol of woman's liberation.To women who surrender to the ugly stereotype against the Islamic modesty of Hijab, I say: You don't know what you are missing.- Sara BokkerFormer actress/Model/ fitness instructor and activist.

Jan 20, 2009

Martyrdom Was Well-Known

Assalamu 'Alaykum wa Rahmatullahi wa BarakatuhuASALATU WASALAMU ALAYKA YA RASULLALLAH Salla Allahu ta'ala 'alayhi wa Sallam
The martyrdom of Imam Hussain RadiyAllahu Anhu was well known since his childhood. His blessed parents and many companions knew that one day he would be sacrificed and receive the highest degree of martyrdom. The wife of Hazrat Abbas, Hazrat Ummul Fadhl RadiyAllahu Anhum says, ‘One day I visited RasoolAllah Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam. I saw Imam Hussain RadiyAllahu Anhu sitting in his blessed lap and noticed the constant flow of tears from the eyes of RasoolAllah Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam. I pleaded, May my parents be sacrificed upon you Ya RasoolAllah Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam, what is the matter?’ He replied: ‘Jibraeel came to me and informed that one day my Ummah will kill this son of mine.’ Ummul Fadhl enquired, ‘will they kill Imam Hussain?’ RasoolAllah Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam confirmed, ‘Yes, and Jibraeel even gave me the sand of the field where he will be martyred.’ [Mishkat]Hazrat Anas RadiyAllahu Anhu reports that the Angel of rain asked permission of Allah Ta’ala to pay his respects to RasoolAllah Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam. When he arrived he saw Imam Hussain sat in the lap of RasoolAllah Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam who was cuddling and kissing him. The Angel enquired, ‘Hussain is most dear to you? Your Ummah will one day kill him. If you wish I can show you the field where he will be sacrificed.’ The Angel then got some sand from the field which Ummul Mu’mineen Hazrat Umme Salma RadiyAllahu Anha set aside in a safe place. In one narration it states that RasoolAllah Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam handed over the sand to Hazrat Umme Salma RadiyAllahu Anha and prophesised, ‘O Umme Salma, when this sand turns into blood then be certain that my son Hussain has been martyred.’ Hazrat Umme Salma says, ‘I stored the sand in a bottle and saw that on the day Imam Hussain RadiyAllahu Anhu was martyred, it turned to blood.’ Hazrat Sha’bi reports that at the time of the war of Siffin, he and Hazrat Ali RadiyAllahu Anhu passed through the plains of Karbala. At the banks of river Euphrates, Hazrat Ali stopped and enquired as to the name of the place. People said that it was called Karbala. As soon as he heard the word ‘Karbala’, a river of tears began to flow from his eyes which drenched the area around him. Then he said, ‘Once I came to RasoolAllah Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam and saw tears in his eyes. I enquired the reason for it and he replied, ‘Jibraeel just came to me and informed me…: My son Hussain will be martyred at the banks of river Euphrates at a place called Karbala and he even showed me the sand from there.’ [Khutbaat e Muharram]My beloved Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam’s beloved devotees, it is clear from the above narrations that RasoolAllah Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam prophesised the martyrdom of Imam Hussain RadiyAllahu Anhu right from his childhood. Hazrat Ali and Hazrat Fatima RadiyAllahu Anhum along with other members of family and companions knew that Imam Hussain RadiyAllahu Anhu would one day be killed and even knew where. But none of them prayed or requested RasoolAllah Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam to pray for Imam Hussain to be protected from this calamity. This is because they were aware that Imam Hussain RadiyAllahu Anhu would be tested and it was more appropriate to pray for steadfastness in trials, rather than to be spared from it.
Durood Zinda Hai Apna Salam Zinda Hai
Khuda K Saath Mohammad Ka Naam Zinda
HaiTumhara To Koi Murda Bhi Ab Nahi
KoiHumein Hai Fakher K Humara Imam Zinda Hai.

Jan 19, 2009

Imam Ahmed Raza Khan Alaih Rehmat

As a Mathematician:
Professor Zia Aldin was the Vice Chancellor of Aligarh University and Sayyid Sulayman Ashraf was Professor of Islamic Studies. Prof. Zia Aldin was a noted Mathematician of India. Once he got confused over a question of mathematics. The question was so complicated that despite all efforts, it remained unsolved. Insofar as, Prof. Zia Aldin made up his mind to go to Germany in order to consult his German counterparts. Meanwhile, Prof. Sulayman Ashraf advised him to approach Alahazrat at Bareilly on this issue. Prof. Zia Aldin raised certain queries about Alahazrat. On being told that Alahazrat was Mawlavi, he paid no heed and began to make all arrangements for his trip to Germany. However Prof. Sulayman Ashraf did not change his stand and went on insisting that he should visit Bareilly. Upon this, Prof. Zia Aldin said: "I admit what you say. I admit that he is a great man. But it is not a question of Islamic science; it is a question of mathematics. What has a Mawlawi to do with mathematics? What a deriding it is to go to him for such a question which is a gordian knot even for mathematicians". (For more details, please refer to "Hayat-e-Alahazrat" by Mawlana Zafar Aldin Bihari). Even so Prof. Sulayman Ashraf did not retract at all and argued: "As compared to Germany, Bareilly is at an arm's length and direct train is there. What ails you if you go there first for my sake? If you get satisfaction, all well. If not, you are at liberty to proceed to Germany or anywhere you like". Then, Prof. Zia Aldin said: "If you so insist, let me see Alahazrat".Finally both gentlemen reached Bareilly and met Alahazrat. Alahazrat was running somewhat indisposed. However, Alahazrat asked Prof. Zia Aldin: "What brings you here?" "In connection with a question of mathematics", he replied. "What is that", Alahazrat asked. Prof. Zia Aldin said: "The question is not so easy. I shall tell you when you are at ease", "Even so, what is that?" Alahazrat remarked. Prof. Zia Aldin then went on putting up his lengthy and uphill question. By the time the question was finished, Alahazrat replied forthwith: "Its answer is such and such". Hearing the answer at such a slip shod, Prof. Zia Aldin was all-agape. He was overwhelmed with the charisma of Alahazrat talent. He said: "I heard of Ilm-e-Ladunni (inspired knowledge), but today I have seen it with my own eyes. Glorious mathematicians are vainglorious. The real genius is Alahazrat who took no time to solve an insoluble question for which I have been languishing since long". Prof. Zia Aldin, thus, took sigh of relief and thanked Prof. Sulayman Ashraf for his kind and fruitful guidance.

Jan 18, 2009

The Celebration of Eid-e-Milaad-un-Nabi

The Celebration of Eid-e-Milaad-un-NabiPROF. SHAH FARIDUL HAQUETranslator of al-Quran (Kanzul Iman) - Vice-president of World Islamic MissionThis article has been written in response to the views which were expressed in an article writtenby Maulana Taqi Usmani, printed in The News International, Pakistan - August 18, 1994“Say you, only because of Grace of Allah, and only of His Mercy, therefore let them rejoice over it. That is better than all of their wealth.” (al-Qur’an) Muslims of this region particularly, and the Muslims of the world generally express their pleasure on the birth date of the Beloved Prophet (S.A.W.) and celebrate this occasion calling it as Eid-e-Milaad-un-Nabi.Muslims prove themselves to be the true followers of the Prophet (S.A.W.). Paying highest respect to the last Prophet is the basic faith. The slightest disinclination towards the Prophet (S.A.W.) and his disrespect knowingly or unknowingly through connivance or openly, destroys a Muslim's entire faith (iman). Milaad-un-Nabi is celebrated for creating love and respect of the Prophet (S.A.W.) and through him the love and respect of Allah Almighty, the only Creator and Sustainer of the world.A prominent 'alim belonging to Deobandi school of thought has expressed his views about celebration of Milaad on 12th of Rabiul Awwal and has termed the celebration an innovation as there is no religious authenticity behind it.The first plea taken by the learned author is that anything not done in the period of the Prophet (S.A.W.) and his Companions cannot be allowed to enter religion and all such things shall be termed as bida or innovations. These people divide bidat (innovation) into worldly and religious while Islam as a religion is a complete code of life. If this notion is taken as correct then a Muslim has the right to ask about those many things that are being done these days, though they were not done during the days of the Prophet (S.A.W.) and his Companions and they are considered good and are being appreciated. For example, the publication of Qur’an in present shape with Urdu or English translation and explanation adding vowels in beautiful bounded shape is appreciated, though this was not done in the period of the Prophet (S.A.W.) and his Companions. I do not know whether this action would be termed as a religious or non-religious innovations by this school of thought. Establishing big dar-ul-ulums and imparting Dars-e-Nizami and awarding degrees of 'Alim in a congregation mainly organized for celebrating the occasion known as "Jalsa Taqseem-e-Asnad", were not done during the days of the Prophet (S.A.W.) and his Companions. But these functions are performed with religious fervor hoping good rewards from Allah.Then the decoration of mosques and holding Mahafil-e-qirat and naat are considered by all as good and appreciated. Then many Mahafil-e-zikr and Seerat-un-Nabi gatherings are organized by the opponents of Milaad. These venues are fully decorated and illuminated. Would Maulana Sahib prove that these things were done in the time of the Prophet (S.A.W.) and his Compainions? Would he stop awarding Dars-e-Nizami degrees to his students in specially organized jalsas(gatherings)?The key issue here is there is difference among 'ulama regarding the definition of bidat (innovation). Ulema-e-Ahle Sunnat say that every new things is not an innovation, only a new thing which is against the fundamental of the Shari’ah and its roots are not traceable in Qur’an and Sunnah and it directly effects any prevailing tradition of the Prophet (S.A.W.), is to be called innovation in Shari’ah. The definition given by Ulama-e-Deoband would stop the march of Islam altogether. I am sure that the following tradition of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) would surely resolve the confusion in people’s mind: “One who begins a good tradition he would get its reward and the reward of those who would practice it till the Day of Judgment and the rewards of the persons practicing it would not be curtailed”.The learned writer would have also heard this saying of Hadrat Umar(Radhiyallahu Anhu) about Tarawih prayers in congregation, ‘What a good innovation it is”.In fact while performing or abstaining from any work, a Muslim is to see whether such action has been prohibited in the religion, or not. If it is not, then the performance is allowed and in Shari’ah it is known as jaiz and mubah. No person has said that the celebration of the Milaad is obligatory or wajib, but it is appreciable, as rejoicing at the time of getting any favour from Allah is natural and Islam allows it, even the Qur’an allows rejoicing at the time of getting any favour from Allah.It is said in the Qur’an that: “And publicise well the favours of Allah.”The greatest favour of Allah to mankind is the birth of the Prophet (S.A.W.).Another point which has been raised by the learned writer is that many evil and bad practices have entered in such celebration. No doubt some innocent and illiterate people commit such things, but no learned 'alim has ever appreciated these things. Therefore, bad practices should be stopped. If children make noise and play in the mosque or make fun, they would not be stopped from going to the mosque, rather they would be admonished politely to leave such things.In Milaad-un-Nabi, people participate in peaceful procession, hurl banners, shower flowers; naats are recited, slogans of Allah-o-Akbar and Ya Rasullah are raised and then gatherings are held in which 'ulama deliver speeches about the conduct and character of the Prophet(S.A.W.).The writer has himself called the month of Rabi-ul-Awwal as blessed so the Blessing should be celebrated and be made known to others.I would request the learned writer to go through the books of his predecessors such as Haji Imdadullah’s booklet “Haft Masala” and the book “Islahe Mafaheem” in Urdu by Shaikh Syed Muhammad Alawi al-Malaki and "Madarej-un-Nabuwat” by Allama Jalaludin al-Suyuti.The writer allows celebration and description of the biography (Seerat of the Prophet) anytime and in every month, not only in Rabi-ul-Awwal.It should be made known to the learned and honourable writer that Milaad functions have not been fixed for this month only. Muslims celebrate such functions throughout the year irrespective of any particular month. An objection has also been raised for fixing 12th of Rabi-ul-Awal as there is a difference of opinion about the authenticity of the actual date. Most of the jurist and 'ulama have agreed upon 12th of Rabi-ul-Awwal as the Holy Prophet’s (S.A.W.) birthdate. The fixing of a date for any good work is not prohibited in Islam rather it has been approved by Qur’an and Sunnah. “And remind them of the Days of Allah”. (5:14). What would be the method of reminding, if the dates are not fixed?Then the date of Lailat-ul-Qadr is not fixed, it occurs on any odd nights during the last ten days of the sacred month of Ramadan, but usually Muslims consider the 27th night of Ramadan as Shab-e-Qadr and celebrate it in a befitting manner. Should this practice should be stopped or be allowed?Then again the question would arise according to the writer’s notion whether Seerat function and gatherings in present shape were organized and publicised in the days of the Prophet (S.A.W.) and his Companions?The writer himself allows such meetings with some limitation that it should be held in complete conformity to the rules of Shari’ah. 'Ulama-e-Ahle Sunnat do so accordingly.No one allows irreligious (ghair Shari'ah) actions in such meetings. For expressing pleasure if Allah provides and making illuminations, this would not be termed as extravagance. No one denies the rules of Shari’ah, i.e., mixed gathering of men and women are not allowed. No woman is allowed to recite naats before the male audience.I would request the writer to write and wage practical war against evils and such innovations which are corrupting the moral fabric of society. In this day and age, when our faith is in danger and Muslims are being converted and made murtad. By celebrating the Milaad no Muslim commits haram. There is not a slightest chance of going out of Islam by doing this. Such gatherings enhance faith. The works and sacrifices of the Prophet (S.A.W.) and his Companions are eulogized in such meetings.What if some hours are spent by Muslims in celebrating the Milaad, reciting and listening to naat and religious speeches of ulama? At least during this period they are saved from rebuking, quarelling, backbiting and doing any sinful act.May Allah bestow us sagacity to think and ponder.